Friday, October 5, 2018

Make Love Good for the Head, Good for the Body

make love for health

You want to put the odds on your side to age in great shape. So make love! Sex is great for the heart, health and morale. Scientific evidence in support.

Sport is health. Yes, but now, put on a jogging and sneakers for a physical activity, it does not tempt everyone. Did you know that making love is a real sport?
As the heart is a muscle, making love makes it work. But sex is not beneficial only for the heart muscle. A short review of the health benefits of our horizontal gym (or not).

Make love: good for the heart, of course

Making love has an effect comparable to sport: the rate of catecholamines in the blood increases. These hormones, such as adrenaline, induce physiological changes that prepare us to cope with stress. Blood glucose levels increase, as does blood pressure and heart rate.

What's more, regular physical activity reduces the risk of a heart attack. Because during the act, the pulsations of the heart increase of about 70 pulsations / minutes up to 100, 120, or more. What strengthens it.

  • Practicing sexual activity - or sports in general - only episodically increases the risk of infarction by 3.5 and sudden cardiac death by 2.7 compared to daily practice.
  • "The less sex you have, the more likely you are to trigger a cardiac event. Conversely, the more you practice, the more your heart is protected "confirms Professor Xavier Jouven from the Gorges Pompidou European Hospital. (2)
Love is good for the heart, a hypothesis confirmed by the American Heart Association: heart and non-cardiac can easily practice regular sexual activity, to contribute to the health of their heart. Another study done in Boston and published in the medical journal Jama emphasizes, however, that cardiovascular benefits result only from regular activity. So, at work ...

Sex and sudden death: a legend?

Yes, it is possible to die in full orgasm. It's not a legend. But according to studies on the subject, "in action" cases of death would initially concern people who are usually not sexually active or who are having extra-marital sexual intercourse.

The study published in Jama shows that if one multiplies the physical activities in the week, one reduces by one third the risks of sudden death of cardiac origin and 50% those of infarction. Morality: be faithful and sporty, it's safer.

Sex: an anti-cancer weapon?

Scientists are very interested in the benefits of regular sexual activity on health. Thus, many of them have managed to determine that sex would have protective effects against certain cancers.

The prostate, on the men's side

Sexual activity, as well as masturbation, would reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer one day. Why ? Because the prostate, responsible for 40,000 new cases of cancer each year, is involved in the production of seminal fluid. Regular ejaculation would help maintain good shape in this gland.

On the other hand, if it seems important to ejaculate regularly, the multiplication of the sexual partners could be at the origin of more aggressive forms of cancer of the prostate. This is probably due to an increased risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or infection.

Sexuality and prostate cancer

  • At the end of the 20th century, a study conducted at the Melbourne Cancer Epidemiology Center in Melbourne compared the past sexual habits of 1,079 men with prostate cancer to 1,259 healthy individuals. 
  • The study focused particularly on the sexuality of these men between the ages of 20 and 40, and the researchers concluded that men who ejaculated very frequently during this period of their life, on average 5 times a week, decreased by 33%. the risk of developing prostate cancer one day.

Breast cancer, on the women's side

No study proves it formally, but some scientists say that sex, specifically nipple stimulation and orgasm, would have a protective effect against breast cancer.
This thanks to oxytocin, a hormone released during the sexual act and which would have the effect of eliminating free radicals, carcinogenic from the body.

Several studies make the connection between good sexual health (regular sexual activity and pleasant) and a longer life, especially among women.
But to fully appreciate the benefits of the sexual act, it must be regular: on average 3 times a week.


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