Saturday, January 26, 2019

Virus: Why they Prefer to Attack the Winter ......

The mode of transmission of viruses may explain their preference for winter

Viruses are everywhere and have been raging for millions of years. No form of life is spared, especially not man. From AIDS to SARS (= severe acute respiratory syndrome), to smallpox and hepatitis C, viral diseases have decimated populations and are constantly fueling the specter of the health catastrophe. Others, however, are more common and less dangerous to health.

Real "stars" of winter, the flu, gastroenteritis and cold talk about them at this time of the year.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How to Better Monitor and Measure Diabetes?

Being diabetic imposes constant monitoring of one's blood sugar level. Fortunately, you can do it yourself and control its evolution. Nevertheless, the "traditional" method of taking a drop of blood taken at the fingertip is not always pleasant. That's why a new device, effective and painless, has emerged!

The classic way to monitor and measure diabetes

To measure blood sugar and know the level of blood sugar, you must use a device that evaluates the amount of glucose through a drop of blood taken at the fingertip.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Seasonal Hair Loss: How to Avoid it?

Why do hair fall at certain times of the year? How to spot a seasonal hair loss and fight against it or avoid it in a natural way? Our dermatologist, Ludovic Rousseau answers your questions.

What you need to know about hair loss

The hair is like a forest whose trees grow for 2 to 7 years, live then die and fall. Hair loss is a natural phenomenon, part of the hair cycle. So it is normal to lose about 50 hairs a day. Beyond 50 to 100 hairs, it is considered that hair loss is pathological: a treatment or the intake of food supplements can then be considered.

Nevertheless at certain times of the year, and especially in spring and autumn, this natural phenomenon of falling may be more important, and reach the threshold of 50 to 100 hairs a day. This is the seasonal hair loss.

Like trees, our hair is sensitive to environmental changes: the transition from summer to winter, and vice versa, are periods of radical change in climate and therefore hygrometry, sunshine, outdoor temperature ... These changes affect the rate and speed of the hair renewal cycle, which can then fall in greater numbers.
We observe a fall that affects the entire hair but has little impact on the overall volume of hair. This fall lasts at most one to two months. Beyond that, it is necessary to consult to determine if there is no other cause of hair loss.

How to naturally fight against seasonal hair loss?

As the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure". This is especially true for seasonal hair loss, as falling hair has already been dead for several weeks. In the same way, the hair is only a stem of dead keratin, only the bulb is alive.
The aim of the treatments is to encourage growth, which is only visible after a few weeks. The ideal is to avoid the fall, because once it is engaged, it takes several weeks for the treatments to have effect on the hair.

It is recommended to:

  • Fight against aggression. Protect your hair from the sun in summer and cold in winter, wearing hats or even caps in winter. Do not wash your hair with too hot water as it will tend to attack the scalp.
  • Have a healthy and varied diet, rich in protein and vitamin B: hair needs essential nutrients to ensure their health and growth.
  • Consume proteins (fish, meats, egg yolks, oleaginous, lentils ...), sources of sulfur amino acids (methionine and cystine) which are the compounds to synthesize keratin.
  • Consume B vitamins (wheat germ, liver, fatty fish, white meats including poultry, egg yolks, cereals, mushrooms, lentils, soy or soy ...), which contribute to the transformation of methionine in cysteine, beneficial to the growth of the hair.
  • Consume iron (black pudding, egg yolks, shells, parsley, soy or soy, cocoa ...), which allows the synthesis of hemoglobin and plays an important role in the oxygenation of the bulb of the hair. The absorption of iron is facilitated by vitamin C: an orange juice taken during a meal, multiplies by three the absorption of iron contained in food taken during the same meal, and conversely the tea limits its absorption.
You can also take a course of food supplements for the hair or just yeast, as spring and fall approaches.
Finally, do not hesitate to massage the scalp gently a few minutes a day: this promotes the vascularization of the bulbs.
The opinion of our doctor
Seasonal hair loss is often a source of deep anxiety, especially among women. Fortunately it is always self-limiting and there are simple ways to limit or avoid it, including a balanced diet. Any hair loss that resonates on the volume of the hair or persists more than two months or requires a consultation or even a blood test in search of deficiencies, thyroid disorders ...

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Why are we Often Depressed in Winter? Best Anti-Gloom tips for this Winter

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) discovered in the 1980s the body's strong dependence on daylight. Their research has confirmed that the lack of light during the winter can cause mood disorders. The light blocks the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and promotes the secretion of serotonin, a hormone that acts against depression.

Today, more than 18% of the Quebec population and more than 15% of the French population suffer from winter blues, which, when symptoms persist, can become a seasonal depression.

The symptoms of winter blues make everyday life more difficult. Fatigue, lack of drive, a tendency to remain locked up, laziness, gloominess, melancholy and boredom tend to be felt ... but are not irremediable. Discover our tips to fight the blues of the winter blues.

Practice a Physical Activity

The morning walk should be an automatic reflex! Enjoy the daylight that promotes the secretion of serotonin by walking for 15 to 20 minutes. The fresh air will also start the day off right!

In addition to waking even the most sleepy, walking is recommended to be in good health. Moving allows you to detoxify your body, reduce your stress level and feel better about yourself. Daily low or medium intensity physical activity is recommended as well as 1 to 2 weekly sessions of high intensity physical activity.

Ease your Environment

The music. Even if the lyrics of melancholy songs are very beautiful and pleasant, they do not always cheer our days! Listening to catchy music, with a rhythm that makes you want to dance, makes you feel happier and more motivated throughout the day. For more information, see also our music therapy file.

Clothes. Against the winter blues, it is advisable to focus on bright colors and avoid wearing gray or black every day, colors that are not always synonymous with good mood. Even if the sun is not there during the winter, do not hesitate to wear bright colors that will put a little summer in your day to day and in the lives of people you rub shoulders.

Banking on food

In summer, sun exposure can provide up to 90% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D. In winter, the risk of deficiency is higher:

It is therefore advisable to overcome the lack of sun by having a diet rich in this vitamin. Indeed, a lack of vitamin D could be responsible for depressive symptoms, according to the journal International Archives of Medicine. To do this, rely on salmon, tuna, trout, herring, cow's milk and soy beverages which are excellent sources. If a vitamin D deficiency is identified, dietary supplements can also be taken. For healthy people under 50, a dose of 400 IU to 1000 IU (10 to 25 μg) of vitamin D daily is recommended. For people over 50, it is recommended to take a supplement of 800 IU to 2000 IU (20 to 50 μg) of vitamin D daily.

Then, combinations of herbs such as St. John's Wort, an antidepressant, and rosemary, an antioxidant and stimulant of the nervous system, help regulate mood and prevent depression. Just boil a cup of water and infuse for 10 minutes a tablespoon of rosemary leaves and a tablespoon of St. John's wort flowers. This herbal tea can be consumed two to three times a day.

Try Light Therapy

The light therapy gives good results on the winter blues. It is a question of daily exposure to the white light of a lamp studied to imitate that of the sun.

Light therapy artificially favors the secretion of serotonin and can restore the disturbances of the biological clock and mood disorders. This treatment is considered a reliable medical remedy and is recognized by the scientific community.

Stop Biting your Nails

You dream of having beautiful hands but you have a problem, you can not help but bite your nails. To help you remember, I will give you, in this article, some tips that will allow you to have the beautiful hands that you want.

1 - Nail polish

The nail polish is not good taste, it is very bitter and sometimes very chemical. Get in the habit of applying it on your nails regularly, like that, every time you go through the nails, an unpleasant taste will be felt and naturally, you reduce your reflex and your desire to bite your nails.

2 - Aloe Vera leaves

If you do not have polish, or you do not want to put some, you can simply buy Aloe Vera leaves, cut a small part and rub on your nails every morning. The taste will make you quickly regret gnawing

3 - Chew

Buy chewing gum (preferably no sugar) or chewing plants such as licorice or anise. This will occupy your mouth and will normally give you less desire to bite your nails.