Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Stop Biting your Nails

You dream of having beautiful hands but you have a problem, you can not help but bite your nails. To help you remember, I will give you, in this article, some tips that will allow you to have the beautiful hands that you want.

1 - Nail polish

The nail polish is not good taste, it is very bitter and sometimes very chemical. Get in the habit of applying it on your nails regularly, like that, every time you go through the nails, an unpleasant taste will be felt and naturally, you reduce your reflex and your desire to bite your nails.

2 - Aloe Vera leaves

If you do not have polish, or you do not want to put some, you can simply buy Aloe Vera leaves, cut a small part and rub on your nails every morning. The taste will make you quickly regret gnawing

3 - Chew

Buy chewing gum (preferably no sugar) or chewing plants such as licorice or anise. This will occupy your mouth and will normally give you less desire to bite your nails.


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