Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Contact Lenses Beware of Keratitis !

Contact Lenses

Acanthamoeba keratitis is a rare infection of the eye contact lenses that is characterized by an inflamed and painful cornea causing permanent tearing, severe pain, discomfort to vision.

Acanthamoeba keratitis can lose up to 75% of the vision, or even lead to blindness. The treatment is long: in 70% of cases, the affected people recover in the year, but for the remaining 30% it can be longer. Sometimes it is even necessary to have a cornea transplant to treat the disease.

Poor hygiene

Acanthamoeba keratitis is more prevalent in people who wear reusable contact lenses (eg monthly) than those who wear disposable daily lenses.

This infection would be declared for lack of hygiene of the wearers of lenses. Indeed, these last require a careful care.

  • It is essential to wash your hands thoroughly before putting on and removing contact lenses.
  • They must be cleaned daily with a suitable product.
  • Be sure to remove the lenses before cleaning your face with water: a parasite may be present.
  • Do not wear your lenses beyond the recommended time.


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