The first benefit of these juices is logical in their composition. By drinking, we consume fruits and vegetables, foods highly recommended for health.
Reach the daily quota of fruits and vegetables more easily
A small glass of juice, ie 150 ml, is equivalent to about 250 g of fruit and vegetables, that is half the recommended amount per day (500 g).
"Consuming 1 to 2 glasses helps to ensure a good share of fresh vegetable intake of the day, notes Dr. Jean-Michel Lecerf, nutritionist. This can be interesting, especially for small eaters of fruits and vegetables, provided to consume also in other forms to benefit from the fibers. "
Fill up on vitamins and minerals
The blender, extractor and centrifuge preserve the majority of micronutrients found in fruits and vegetables (still used fresh and raw), including vitamin C, vulnerable to heat and light.
"A glass of fresh juice helps to cover a good part of the recommended intake of vitamins (C, B9, beta carotene, E ...) and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium ...)," says the nutritionist.
In the absence of cooking, one also benefits from the enzymes of the ingredients, which facilitate their digestion.
Benefit from a wide range of antioxidants
Another advantage of juices: to encourage the use of a variety of fruits and vegetables, some of which are hardly present in the daily diet (fennel, kale, watercress ...). It is not unusual to see, mixed in the same recipe, apple + kiwi + spinach or peas + fennel + mint! This makes it possible to consume more antioxidant substances, and, above all, to diversify them (flavonoids, stilbenes, phenolic acids, anthocyanins ...). The more ingredients of different colors (green, red, purple, orange ...), the better, because they each correspond to protective pigments.
Enjoy the assets of the vintage without irritating your intestines
The juice extractor removes all fibers found in fruits and vegetables while the juicer and blender mash them. However, when the plants are eaten raw and whole, some of these fibers, especially eaten whole, can be aggressive for the intestines and cause pain, bloating.
"Even though they do not guarantee the complete absence of digestive disorders, juices can allow sensitive people, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome, to benefit from micronutrient intake of raw fruits and vegetables without suffering the inconvenience of eating." the presence of certain irritating fibers ", adds Jean-Michel Lecerf.
But the expert insists on the need to preserve some of the fruits and vegetables in their whole form, preferably cooked in case of intolerance: "Their fibers are beneficial because they contribute, among other things, to slow down assimilation of carbohydrates or lowering blood cholesterol, but also because they nourish the good bacteria of the intestinal flora. But we lack fiber. So juices why not, but not only. "
Hydrate "pleasure" without empty calories
Homemade juices contribute to 1.5 liters of recommended liquid per day. And, unlike other drinks (commercial juices, sodas, syrups ...), they provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants while being relatively low in calories and especially low in sugar.
Boost elimination
Rich in water, diuretic potassium and veinotonic compounds, the juices help to drain the water retained in the tissues, to accelerate the functioning of certain emunctory organs and thus, to favor the evacuation of the waste.
3 tips to enjoy the health benefits of juices
- Drink 1-2 glasses a day maximum. "The problem is that in the absence of chewing and fiber, the satiety effect is not at all the same," says Dr. Lecerf. Consume 400 g of raw and / or cooked fruits and vegetables satiates sustainably, while a glass of juice stalls just momentarily. "Lover of juice, so we stick to 1 or 2 small glasses per day, and we consume at least 400 g of fruits and vegetables in addition, in all their forms.
- Incorporate them into a meal or consider them as a full-fledged snack. A juice is not just water, it's a food that provides calories and sugar. "One can thus consume 1 glass at breakfast, instead of the whole fruit, as an entrée instead of a crudité or snack," says the nutritionist.
- Panach vegetables and fruits favoring vegetables, less sweet than fruits. "It's better to limit 100% fruit juice," says Jean-Michel Lecerf. They can be very sweet (up to 120 g of sugar per liter, or 24 pieces of sugar!), So very caloric. In addition, their carbohydrates are quickly assimilated, which promotes hypersecretion of insulin, a significant variation in blood glucose and increased storage. The ideal: a vegetable base and just a little fruit to soften it.
And the juices sold in commerce, is it the same?
No, because most of the juices available on the market have been pasteurized before being bottled, that is, they have been heated to very high temperatures to eliminate the presence of any bacteria. This process alters the nutritional and taste qualities! If you do not have the possibility to make your own juice, we opt for those of the fresh department or those delivered at home (, We check the composition to ensure that there is no added salt, sugar or other additives, that the vitamins are natural and have not been artificially added.
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