Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A "library of orgasms" to learn more about his

To show what "real" orgasms are, as opposed to those that can be seen in movies, a society has created a library of orgasms where everyone can participate.

library of orgasms

You know this cult scene from the movie "When Harry meets Sally"? The actress, Meg Ryan, perfectly simulates an orgasm in the middle of a restaurant.
This kind of orgasms, pushed with loud shouts, are not necessarily the daily life of all women, contrary to what we can believe the cinema.

Save your orgasms or listen to those of others

To learn more about what is "true" female pleasure, a brand of sex toys has launched the "library of orgasms". All women can register their orgasms or listen to that of others.

library of orgasms

Commercial blow or real need to know his body? Voyeurism or knowledge sharing? Each will judge according to his good will. For the brand, it is about creating "a space capable of making the true voice of female pleasure heard", based on the principle that more than 50% of women simulate their orgasms.

Female orgasms, not like in movies

In addition, the female orgasms represented in the films are often overplayed, not representative of reality. This is to show another voice for women, and allow them to live their sexuality in a fulfilling way. Often, the film industry, porn or not, imposes rules of performance and enjoyment, for men as for women, far from the reality of everyday sexual life.

So if you listen to "real" orgasms of "real" people, go to the library of If not, practice to find yours :)


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