Saturday, October 27, 2018

Understanding Baby Crying

It's not always easy for parents to know why their baby is crying ... Because he's hungry, because he's hurting, because he's tired? Our experts help us to decrypt baby crying.

Baby Crying

Our experts:
 Dr. Jean-Louis Chabernaud *, pediatrician UF S.M.U.R Pediatric (SAMU 92). Antoine Béclère Hospital (AP-HP), Clamart; Carole Bellemin-Noël **, psychotherapist, Dr. Melhem Mazraani, pediatrician
 In the first months of life, crying is the primary means of expression for the youngest child. Not always easy for us parents to decode the causes of these tears.
Our experts help you better understand these tears and give you their advice to calm your baby.

The evening crying, or "colic" of the infant

"Since Paul was 1 month old, he cries intensely every night for two hours. Sometimes he squirms and his little clenched fists accompany his screams. He is however full and is well. Melanie

Why is my baby crying?

"These periodic crises of evening crying can settle in the duration, until the 4 months of the child sometimes. The baby is not sick, he sucks well, grows normally, his digestive system just needs time to mature, and this abdominal discomfort can interfere, "says Dr. Mazraani, pediatrician

For Dr. Chabernaud, an emergency pediatrician, these "inconsolable" tears are also part of normal infant development: "We have found that all the babies of the world, whether Inuit, African, Indian or English ... cry a lot at the end of day. It's a very effective way to communicate and show their annoyances, "he says. These tears are often described as "colic" of the infant, but in reality, it is a phenomenon that can have, beyond a digestive problem, a psychological dimension. Our two doctors mention as possible causes the anxiety of separation which is announced with the twilight, an emotional overload for a small very sensitive, a reaction to the stress of the parents, or a natural need to cry.

How to react ?

  • "Understanding and accepting this process of maturation, and knowing that these tears will stop over time, helps parents cope more easily with this difficult time," says Dr. Chabernau, pediatrician.
  • "Put your baby in a baby carrier and go about your business. The contact with your body and the movement will help soothe it, "advises Carole Bellemin-Noël, psychotherapist.
  • To help him eliminate his gas, massage his belly with the flat of your hand.
  • "Take baby on a stroll or in a car," says Dr. Mazraai, pediatrician. The movements of the pram and / or the purring of the engine quickly calm his tears.

Why is baby crying? The opinion of the expert

"Being confronted with the tears of your baby is part of learning the parent job. Because one is not born parent, one becomes it. And it is by drawing on the capacity to meet the needs of his infant that the parent takes confidence in his skills and manages to make sense of crying. "
Carole Bellemin-Noël, psychotherapist

 Decipher the crying of the baby: he cries during the feeding

"Lucas, 3 months, very often starts to cry a few seconds after the start of feeding, and yet he is very hungry. Audrey

"Colomba, 4 months, vomits systematically for 48 hours from the end of her bottle, she screams, moves and cries. I do not know what to do to calm her down. Brice

Why is my baby crying?

"A baby who stops drinking three minutes after the start of feeding, starts to cry and squirms can suffer from esophagitis. When the milk passes through her esophagus, irritated by gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), the newborn can scream in pain, "says Dr. Mazraani.

How to react ?

  • Consult your pediatrician who, depending on the case, will change or thicken the milk, give an anti-acidity treatment or rule out a possible allergy to cow's milk proteins.
  • If you are breastfeeding, sit in a quiet place and feed baby by not tilting too much while lying down.
  • At the bottle, take breaks during feeding, and take the time of the burping.

Baby is crying because he is tired

"Victoire, 4 months, laughs when her big brother kisses her and makes her jump on her lap. But suddenly, nothing goes, she starts screaming and crying. I do not understand why everything changes suddenly. »Baptiste

Why is my baby crying?

"The noise, the hustle and bustle of the house, the visits, the feedings, the tweets ... all the disruptive elements for a newborn. Through these prolonged cries, your baby expresses his need to be calm. He cries to say "stop" and evacuate this overflow, "says Carole Bellemin-Noël.

How to react ?

  • "Your baby needs calm, so avoid anything that can destabilize him: cries, aggressive lighting, excitement or excitement. Settle in a quiet room, dim light, your child against you. It will calm down slowly, "advises Dr. Mazraani.
  • Carole Bellemin-Noël advocates a bath, with relaxing virtues. The practice of skin to skin and the sound of the voice are also very effective to calm a baby.
  • No need to over-stimulate your infant with multiple objects. A rattle, the soft melody of a music box, a mobile with simple figurines, will do the trick.

The crying of the baby: a universal language

According to the American researcher, Priscilla Dunstan, after 15 years of study all over the world, all babies have exactly the same cries with the same sounds. The main crying of the baby would all have the same role, express a vital need.

Aoh: I'm sleepy

Yeah: I'm stimulated too much

Nèh: I'm hungry ...

To read: "It cries, what does it say?", Priscilla Dunstan and Isabelle Filliozat (JC Lattès).

Around 9 months, baby is afraid of the unknown

"My little Lina, 9 months old, is a sociable baby. But for a few days, she began to scream as soon as I put her in the arms of her granny, which she knows very well. I do not know what to do to reassure her. Nour

Why is my baby crying?

Between 6-10 months, the baby becomes aware that he is becoming a separate individual, distinct from his mother and can be separated. He then rejects anyone, even known to him, who approaches a little too much, and he begins to cry. "Nothing serious or personal is the beginning of individualization," says Carole Bellemin-Noël.

How to react ?

  • This period is also called "separation anxiety". To anticipate the anticipation, from his 5 months, play with him hide-and-seek and "cuckoo". He will gradually realize that we can separate, but above all, always meet again.
  • In times of crisis, it's useless to force him to go in other arms than yours. Take baby on your lap and advise your family and friends to approach him gently by smiling at him and addressing him gently.
  • Avoid being adapted to a nursery or nanny during this critical phase.

The baby in the face of maternal depression

"A very depressed mother after birth may have trouble establishing a relationship with her newborn. In response, he manifests his discomfort by attempts to attract attention, crying first, then a withdrawal and avoidance of the eyes can follow. During the first weeks after birth, it is therefore essential to keep in touch with a health professional: PMI doctor, pediatrician, lactation consultant ... We are here to listen to you and help you, if necessary, to renew the parent relationship -child. Dads have an important role to play too, because it is they who sometimes warn me about this problem. "

Dr. Mazraani, pediatrician


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