Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Heart Breaking Message of a Child about his Mother's Phone

In a writing exercise on inventions, Heart Breaking Message a girl from CE1 talked about her mother's smartphone. His shocking message questions us about our use of these technologies.


We know that smartphone abuse harms our health, especially our sleep and our eyes, it is hard to do without.

But what we suspect less is that this addiction to the smartphone and other technological tools harms our relationships with our loved ones, especially our children.

Witness this copy of an American child of CE1 (second grade in the United States), who did not fail to point fingers at his mother's smartphone.

Jen Adams Beason, her teacher, asked her students to describe an invention they would rather never see existed, and to explain why. A funny question, it must be admitted, which also brought an unexpected and disturbing answer from a little girl.

"If I had to tell you which invention I hate, I would say that I do not like the phone. I do not like the phone because my parents are on their phones every day. The phone is sometimes a very bad habit. I hate my mom's cell phone and I wish she'd never had one, "wrote the schoolgirl.

This answer, which has the merit of being clear, has obviously upset her teacher, who shared it on Facebook, where she was massively "liked" and shared. The teacher accompanied her with a hashtag "listentoyourkids", "listen to your children", for the parents.

A few days ago, a scientific study shed light on the problems that new technologies can bring to family activities on the parent-child relationship. The addiction of parents to smartphones can push the child to do everything to attract their attention, including the adoption of extreme behavior: frustration, hyperactivity, episodes of anger or crying ...

If there is nothing urgent to treat, it is better to move away from his smartphone during family activities of the day, including the evening meal. The professional mails will wait!

Source BBC


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