Monday, October 8, 2018

The best antidepressant: physical activity three times a week

To get better in your head, you have to put on the sneakers. A large US study confirms the benefits of physical activity to fight depression.

The best antidepressant: physical activity three times a week

All forms of physical activity, including the household, are effective against depression and black thoughts. An American study has just confirmed this.

More than 1.2 million Americans over the age of 18 participated between 2011 and 2015. They were asked about their lifestyle and their mental health.

Results: Those who had been physically active in the past month had spent less time in "poor mental health" status, 1.5 days less than those who did not move.

It is by practicing a team sport, cycling or gym that we get the most interesting results.

The right rhythm: 45-minute sessions, three to five times a week. No need to do more. The effects on depression are no better with more intense training.


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