Wednesday, October 10, 2018

the 10 Natural Remedies for Treating Sinusitis in 1 Week

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus mucosa of the face, a region of the skull formed by bony cavities around the nose, cheekbones and eyes.sinusitis

The disease can be the consequence of infection, allergy or any factor that prevents the correct drainage of sinus secretion. The most common name for this problem is rhino sinusitis because the inflammatory process affects both the lining of the sinuses and the nasal mucosa.

the 10 Natural Remedies

Sinusitis can be caused by infectious agents such as bacteria, fungi and viruses, or by allergic factors. Dust, thermal shock and strong odors are listed as triggers of allergic rhino pathy.

The disease can be:

Acute: when symptoms are present for less than 12 weeks;
Chronic: when swelling and inflammation of the sinuses are present for more than 12 weeks.

The symptoms of Sinusitis:

The unpleasant symptoms of this disease are: the feeling of "heaviness in the face", headache, runny nose, feeling bad smell of the nose or mouth and nasal obstruction with a sneeze.

You can use very effective home remedies to treat sinusitis in a week:

  1. Hot compresses to treat sinusitis: You can use hot compresses to keep the sinuses warm so that they dissolve and leave the mucus. Breathing hot vapors will have the same effect.
  2. Bromelain to treat sinusitis: Bromelain is sold as a supplement, it is a protein found in the stem of pineapple. It helps empty the nasal passages. But do not forget to talk to your doctor first, as she may react with other medications you are taking.
  3. Spices to treat sinusitis: Temperate foods like mustard, pepper, curry and wasabi can help clean the sinuses. If you like spices, add "hot" seasonings to your meals to open the nasal passages.
  4. Nebulization with eucalyptus, salt and water to treat sinusitis: Due to its expectorant action, eucalyptus is an excellent resource when it comes to treating sinusitis. With a mixture of water and salt or with saline, it is an excellent home remedy against the problem and you can inhale the vapor of this mixture without fear. This will help expectorate and reduce accumulated secretions.
  5. chamomile to treat sinusitis: In addition to being a great natural tranquilizer, chamomile tea also helps treat symptoms of sinusitis due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic actions that help treat congestion and inflammation in the lining of the throat and nose.
  6. Inhalation with onion tea to treat sinusitis: This is because onion skin has antibacterial and antiviral properties, which can greatly relieve the symptoms of inflammation, even if it will not heal immediately.
  7. Physiological Saline to Treat Sinusitis: As you have seen here, salt water is one of the best home remedies against the problem. Therefore, a saline solution, purchased at the pharmacy, is also a great treatment option because it contributes to cleanliness and nasal decongestion.
  8. Drink more water to treat sinusitis: A natural way to moisten the sinuses, a great help in case of dry sinusitis is to consume more liquids, especially water or sugar free teas. Thus, all the tissues of the body become more hydrated, including the nasal mucosa.
  9. Get enough rest to treat sinusitis: In case of sinusitis, it is recommended to rest if possible, or at least to rest sufficiently.
  10. Seawater to treat sinusitis: mix with natural water as follows: part of the seawater for two and a half parts of natural water. We can buy it at health food stores and some supermarkets. If we do not find it, we mix 1 liter of natural water with 3 tablespoons of sea salt until it dissolves completely.


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