Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sexuality: the Length of the Fingers could be an indication

According to a new study, the difference in height between two fingers could indicate the sexual orientation of a person. A study that supports a scientific theory of sexual orientation. Explanations.

Sexuality: the Length of the Fingers could be an indication

The length of the fingers, and particularly the index relative to the ring finger, could at least partially inform the sexual orientation of a person. This is suggested by a scientific study conducted by the University of Essex (United Kingdom) and published in the journal 'Archives Of Sexual Behavior'. Conducted with identical twins (18 pairs of twins and 14 pairs of twins),
one of whom is gay, the study showed that lesbians had more "typical" men's hands than their heterosexual sister. The same observation was observed in the gay twin, but with a non-significant difference with the heterosexual brother.

The explanation of this link between index-size difference and sexual orientation does not fall from the sky. It follows from a scientific theory.

Exposure to testosterone in the uterus would affect the difference in length between the index finger and the ring finger. The index and ring finger of most women would be similar in size, while the index finger and the ring finger would make a notable difference in most men, due to the occurrence of the peak of testosterone in utero, to a key moment of embryonic life.

However, this peak of testosterone in utero would be determining in terms of sexual orientation, if we believe a whole series of studies made explicit by the Belgian biologist Jacques Balthazart. The occurrence or not of an embryonic peak of testosterone would subsequently determine sexual attraction to the same sex or opposite sex. So to say that homosexuality is not natural would be wrong. If this theory is true, sexual orientation would be determined from birth, and education or the environment would have no influence. In May 2017, Youtubeur Max Bird had explained this theory of peak testosterone, in a video (below) that had reacted a lot.

To return to the presupposed link between finger size difference and sexual orientation, the authors point out that "since identical twins, who share 100% of their genes, may differ in their sexual orientation, factors other than genetics must enter into account line ". "Research suggests that our sexuality is determined in the womb and depends on the amount of male hormone we are exposed to, or how our body reacts to this hormone," detailed Dr. Tuesday Watts, co- author of the study.

"Because of the link between hormone levels and the difference in finger length, looking at someone's hands could provide a clue to their sexuality." A postulate to qualify, however, because a single study on a small sample is not enough to assert such a thing, and it is only a statistical observation.


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