A study, conducted at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and reported at the 2018 American Heart Association's Joint Hypertension Scientific Meetings, found that lifestyle changes were effective in people with disabilities. high cardiovascular risk
A Reduction of the Hypertensive Drugs in 4 Months
The study included 129 overweight or obese men and women aged 40 to 80 years and with high blood pressure.
The participants were divided into three groups: the first group followed a DASH-type diet, which is mainly composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and which limits or even excludes animal proteins, fats and sweet products. And practice, three times a week of physical exercises.
The second group just followed the DASH diet. As for the third, he did not change his lifestyle.
People in the first group lost an average of 9 kg in 4 months and significantly reduced their blood pressure. At the end of the study, only 15% of them still needed hypertensive treatment, while they were 23% in the group that only changed their diet.
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