Monday, October 1, 2018

Diabetes in Women Recognize the Symptoms

3 signs of diabetes in women Some signs of the disease are easy to recognize, but others are more vague, especially in women. Urogenital conditions, polycystic ovary syndrome, and a history of gestational diabetes can put you in the driver's seat.

diabetes in women

In France, the overall prevalence of diabetes was estimated at 4.6% of the population in 2011. Type 2 diabetes, says Inserm, corresponds to 90% of cases. Some signs of the disease are fairly easy to recognize, such as frequent urination, increased thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, and fatigue. But other symptoms may be vague and indicate the presence of another pathology. This is especially true for women, says She knows, because they can display gender-specific signs.

Gynecological problems

Some urogenital conditions may be signs of diabetes. Genital symptoms may be more pronounced in women than in men. Repeated urinary tract infections, for example, as well as high blood sugar levels, are two important signs to consider. Diabetes causes the excretion of more glucose in the urine, leading to an increase in urinary tract infections. However, some of these symptoms are often misunderstood, especially by older menopausal women. Vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse are also signs of diabetes, and weight gain also increases the risk.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This hormonal disorder occurs when a woman produces an excess of androgens. Untreated, polycystic ovaries can lead to a number of complications, including diabetes. The common denominator between the syndrome and diabetes is insulin resistance, a condition that affects up to 70% of people with polycystic ovaries.

History of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a specific type of diabetes that only appears during pregnancy, leading to high levels of blood sugar that could harm both the pregnant person and the baby. Some of the symptoms of diabetes, such as increased thirst, urination, and fatigue, are common during pregnancy, so a pregnant woman may not think of seeing a doctor. To avoid missing the disease, screening during the first months of pregnancy is strongly recommended. Gestational diabetes is a very important harbinger. People who suffer from it have a 50-70% chance of having diabetes later in life.


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