Sunday, September 30, 2018

Benefits for the Development of the Child

Portage; all its benefits for the development of the child Snuggled against you, your baby will calm down and develop fully. Your movements reassure him and your proximity gives him an unexpected intellectual and emotional strength.

child benefits

The Portage: unsuspected benefits

From birth, closeness to one's parents contributes to the development of the child. It results in gestures of affection but also a hand-to-hand contact facilitated by the physiological carriage. Snuggled against his mother, the infant receives his dose of love on a daily basis and develops safely. According to specialists such as Mieke, a porter consultant for the Ergobaby brand, the portage would even participate in the neuronal awakening of the little one. "At birth, humans have 170 billion nerve cells. For lack of stimulation, the small child loses 60 billion in its first 3 years,
"she says. To promote the connection between neurons, the expert advises to use porting. "The child is more receptive to the sounds, smells, colors and movements that stimulate the senses," she adds. Among its other many benefits, portering would have the function of attenuating certain affections; a stomach ache, cough or persistent cold. It would act as a kind of regulator thanks, among other things, to the vertical position.

Is a child worn spoiled?

As an original practice, portering is a pillar of education for Aboriginal peoples. "The Kung, who live in the Kalahari Desert, Africa, maintain physical contact between the infant and the mother about 90% of the time in the first weeks of life," says Mieke. Unlike industrialized countries, where the fear of spoiling a child is rooted in educational mores, for the indigenous population, it is the lack of proximity to the infant that is negligence in itself. Moreover, according to Mieke: "If a toddler cries, it's because he does not yet understand the world in which he lives". And the portage is part of the means for him to be soothed by this immensity made of novelties and learning.

Physiological, ergonomic and design: Ergobaby baby carriers

All models of Ergobaby Baby Carriers are designed to respect the physiology of your child. Indeed, they allow a healthy position of the hips: legs apart-raised "M" and rounded back "C". They are also designed to be comfortable for the wearer, even during a long-term carry, thanks to reinforced lumbar support and padded shoulder straps. The Ergobaby models offer up to 4 carrying positions, depending on the needs and are scalable to carry from birth (3.2 kg) up to 20 kg. As for the Aura Carrying Scarf ultra-soft fabric, it is easy to use, even for beginners, and supports perfectly your baby, while adapting to all morphologies.


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